Establish an Internet relationship with other web sites with EZ-Link Trader. With EZ-Link Trader, a "Hot Links" web page is built automatically for you. With this powerful tool, you can easily add links to other web sites that will benefit your customers.
When you link a site with EZ-Link Trader, an e-mail is automatically sent to request that a link to your web site be placed on their web page. If there is no response in 10 days, a second e-mail is automatically sent. If there is no response again, their link is deleted.
You can override the deletion if you still want the link to their site and you have the option to customize the messages that are sent.
This is how EZ-Link Trader is managed.
Here is an EZ-Link trade in action!
Link trading is proving to be a most critical factor in web site promotion. It goes without saying, the more links to your site will result in more visits to your site.